Inclusive Skating has several Honorary Past Trustees who have made outstanding contributions to Inclusive Skating.
Honorary Past Trustees
Bryan Morrice
Bryan was Chairman of Sk8scotland from 2004 until his retirement. Prior to this he was a Board Director and Vice Chairman of NISA, the UK Governing Body for skaters without challenges. For 15 years he was also the editor and producer of Ice Link, the official newspaper of NISA until it was discontinued in 2008. Bryan himself has a minor disability, missing his right hand from birth, but this has not prevented him from enjoying his chosen sport – ice dancing. He has long been a champion of opportunity for disability skating. Bryan was a key driver in the coordinating the marketing and communications aspects of this project, including the development of the first website. Bryan has since retired but Inclusive Skating will always be grateful to Bryan for his contributions to our development.
Karen Titmus
Karen is a Mum and an enthusiast who lives in Cambridgeshire. She first became involved on this project with the aim of promoting and encouraging Ice Skating for Special Olympic athletes in the UK. Over the years, Karen has gained knowledge of several special needs. Her son Calum, who started on the Learn to Skate UK programme in February 2010, has learning difficulties as well as being on the Autistic Spectrum. She was for many years an active member of the North West Cambridgeshire Special Olympic group.
She says: “I believe in supporting anyone who is striving to achieve something and to try and help them to achieve their potential. Life is full of challenges and you can overcome them.”She believes there is more than one way to teach something, “I taught Calum subtraction by using crisps. He learnt very quickly! I have a limited skating knowledge, but along with Calum, I am learning something new every week.”
Karen has now retired as a Charity Trustee but remains involved with all Inclusive Skating activities.
Noel Grimshaw
Noel coached ice-skating in Edinburgh for 15 yrs. He is also a former ISU International Referee and internationally known judge who served on the judging panel at the first ISU World Synchronized Skating Championships. A past NISA Technical Director, he was also Vice Chair of the Synchro Technical Committee. He was also a Local Authority Sports Development Officer for over 25 yrs,
So, we were very grateful when Noel agreed to be one of the first Charity Trustees of Inclusive Skating. He has provided much wise counsel and has judged at many events over the years too.
Noel has since retired from his role as a charity trustee but remains involved as a Consultant and an Honorary Past Trustee.
Sharon McLean
Sharon McLean is a mother of an Inclusive Skater and is a volunteer at many Inclusive Skating events. She was an Inclusive Skating Charity Trustee for a short time until recently and is now enjoying being a mum to her family and a new granny.