Inclusive Skating is a Charity with a Constitution and By-laws that govern how it operates
Inclusive Skating is a Registered Charity in Scotland, SC042584. The Charity was formerly known as Impaired Skating and the Constitution still bears the original name.
The Governance of the Charity is now supplemented by the By-laws of Inclusive Skating. These were adopted on 10th September 2018.
The purpose of the By-laws is to establish a governance structure for Inclusive Skating that provides representation of the Inclusive Skating community, present and future, within the existing governance structure and in accordance with the Inclusive Skating Charity constitution.
Governance will be implemented through an online global platform. Individual registration and association registration will be accessible from a new website and costs will at all times be minimised. All meetings will be held in English and wherever possible on line, all notices will be disseminated electronically and all voting will be conducted online.