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Inclusive Skating is an entirely volunteer led organisation and we have lots of opportunities for you to get involved! Training is provided so no prior knowledge or skill is required.

This page will be updated regularly with new volunteer opportunities. Please contact contact@inclusiveskating.org if you wish to get involved!

Due to confidentiality and safety requirements we ask all volunteers to become members of Inclusive Skating as volunteers and comply with the IS Code of Conduct, including the confidentiality policy and take the free on-line safety course. Additional training can also be provided. Here's the link to become a member

The charity administration operates virtually. So you don't need to travel. We hold all our meetings on the zoom platform too. We have a paid subscription for zoom and it's free for you to download. If you have it downloaded on your computer then you get to use all our additional paid functionality. You can download zoom from this link https://zoom.us

We would appreciated help on one or more of the following:

1. Writing and sending thank you letters to Donors 

2. Funding application(s) 

3. Searching for suitable funding opportunities

4. Preparation of additional website materials for the athletes page, (Inclusive skaters are welcome to prepare their own page and submit a photo too!) See, eg https://inclusiveskating.org/athletes

5. Digital assistance and general support to potential and existing members - including those with communication challenges

6. Administration of the IS Duke of Edinburgh program and volunteers

7. Judges for online tests, badges and events

8. Support for those wishing to take the Accredited Inclusive Skating Safety Advisor Course

9. Volunteer management and development 

10. Event and local organising committee (LOC) for future events including: Tasks include: timetable, programs, marketing and advertising, stewards, registration desk, timekeeper, judges, results, announcers, etc.

Many of the tasks can be one-off tasks and can be time limited. So, please indicate how much time you wish to contribute. We are aware that everyone has busy lives so even an hour of your time will be very much appreciated. 

Thank you for your time and making a difference!


© Inclusive Skating, 2025

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