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Inclusive Skating is an Approved Activity Provider (AAP) for The Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Participants will be offered the opportunity to count their Physical, Skills and Volunteering activities towards their Bronze, Silver and Gold DofE Award.

Inclusive Skating is delighted to announce that we have become an Approved Activity Provider for The Duke of Edinburgh Award. DofE activities commenced from September 2021. Participants are given the opportunity to have their Volunteering, Physical and Skills activities with Inclusive Skating count towards their Bronze, Silver and Gold Award. Check out the Latest Virtual Activities Calendar for the current list of Courses available. Registration links are e-mailed to everyone registered with Inclusive Skating.

Inclusive Skating and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 

Inclusive Skating is a proud supporter of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. As a DofE Approved Activity Provider we are delighted to be offering the opportunity for the wider Inclusive Skating community to count their activities towards their DofE award. The aim is to help young people plan and undertake their own programme of activities which allows them to develop mentally, physically and emotionally, becoming more motivated, disciplined and balanced as individuals. Inclusive Skating offers the opportunity to take part in physical, skills and volunteering and offers a blended model of delivery with many activities available on location and on-line through the use of the Inclusive Skating digital learning platforms. Location based activities are available at suitable ice, in-line and roller skating venues.

If this is something you may be interested in you can find further information through the links below, the related resources and/or by contacting us directly. Recruitment usually takes place at the beginning of the academic year but we can accommodate most starting dates.


https://www.dofe.org/do/sections/ This provides participants with useful information on the DofE timescales and DofE sections


Important Note

Please note that the costs for participating in coached activities and or skating activities for yourself must be met by yourself. Many virtual sessions are available for no additional charge so don’t worry if you have limited resources. Volunteer expenses are reimbursed too. We aim to make all activities open to all so all activities can be adjusted to improve accessibility.


Physical section

For your physical skating activity you can choose any activity from the Inclusive Skating Technical Handbook and you must take part in an approved training programme to improve your physical capability. We offer weekly off skate activities for those who are not able to access a suitable venue for skating activities or for those who do not have access to an approved skating coach. Most Inclusive Skaters take part in skating activities at an approved skating rink under the supervision of an approved skating coach. The current Technical Rules are available on the website.

Skills section

Developing a skill helps you get better at something you are really interested in and gives you the opportunity to use this skill now and later in life. The skill activities offered by Inclusive Skating are progressive and include Sports Leadership, Coaching and occasionally Sports Officiating and Event Planning.


Volunteering involves giving time to help the Inclusive Skating community. As a registered charity helping skaters with additional needs we have many opportunities available subject to location and your capabilities. We expect all volunteers to be registered on the Inclusive Skating, participate in a risk assessment and follow all the Inclusive Skating policies to ensure safety for you and the Inclusive Skating community.


© Inclusive Skating, 2025

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