Inclusive Skating requires coaches and volunteers activities to meet certain standards and provides its own coach education pathway. Insurance is available from Sportscover. PVG/DBS checks are undertaken too.
Inclusive Skating requires coaches and volunteers activities to meet certain standards and has training and resources available for registration now.
If you wish to take any courses please register as a coach/ volunteer member and use the contact function to request your own log in to the Inclusive Skating Moodle. This will provide access to the online safety course. For access to the Leader Course, Assistant Coaching Course, Coaching Course and the Award Course for Working with Persons with Disabilities please complete an enrolment form and e-mail the completed form to
For further information also contact
We believe in training all the volunteer activities supporters to the same standard of safeguarding, first aid, health and safety and good practice as coaches. All coaches and volunteers are required to have threshold competence for all tasks. Prior training and education is recognised and additional training and education is provided by Inclusive Skating for many activities.
Please refer to the Inclusive Skating Safeguarding information and training materials available on this website. All volunteers and coaches should understand these materials and demonstrate a duty of care that ensures the safety, health and well being of all participants at all times.
All coaches and volunteers are expected to follow the code of Conduct for Officials and Inclusive Skating policies (including safeguarding and safety). PVG/DBS checks are undertaken and are a legal requirement in many situations. Insurance is available from Sportscover.
1. Safety Training - Inclusive Skating Accredited Safety Advisor
We strongly encourage all volunteers and participant to complete the Inclusive Skating Safety Course.
The Inclusive Skating Accredited Safety Advisor course is available as an on-line to do in your own time and/or with the additional support of zoom sessions or individual sessions. The Inclusive Skating Safety Policy and Inclusive Skating Safeguarding materials should be regarded as training materials for this course. The online volunteer safety course is based on the Inclusive Skating Safety Policy.
This course is free for registered volunteers and coaches and is funded by the People's Project National Lottery Grant awarded to Inclusive Skating.
Funding to provide an Inclusive Skating Moodle (Learning Management System) has been granted by the National Lottery Community Fund. The online safety course is available on the inclusiveskating moodle.
2. Coach and Volunteer Qualification
Coaches and volunteers should demonstrate a threshold standard and a continuing competence to undertake the activities that they are supporting. It is the process and effect of learning activities that is important. Coaches and Volunteers are expected to review their learning needs and address them through training. Any activity that has been undertaken to address learning needs can count towards threshold and continuing competence. Coaches and volunteers should record their training on the Inclusive Skating portal.
Inclusive Skating now provides a volunteer and coach education training platform and regular courses. Online courses and seminars provide coaches and volunteer activities supporters with training and support.
Inclusive Skating now provides its own Leader course, Assistant Coaching Course, Coaching course and an Award course for coaches who are already qualified that covers working with persons with a disability. These courses are SQA approved and Inclusive Skating is an approved SQA centre. The Assistant Coaching course is CIMPSA endorsed. Zoom links for the virtual sessions are e-mailed directly to skaters and volunteers registered with Inclusive Skating. Check out the latest Virtual Activities Calendar for the current schedule of available courses.
The iCoachKids Free online courses are a free online recommended resources. The iCoach Kids is available on the Inclusive Skating platform and many of the activities are incorporated into the Leader, Inclusive Skating Assistant Coaching and Coach Courses. The iCoachKids Free online courses are one of our recommended resources and are available for self-enrolment on the moodle platform.
All British Ice Skating licensed coaches are recognised as are coaches qualified through City and Guilds (Skate Excellence) and other suitable NVQ qualifications.
Inclusive Skating recommends continuing competence all coaches and volunteers should keep their learning needs under continual review and address those needs accordingly. CPD and coach qualification may therefore occur by any relevant means. This includes the following:
a) attending or taking relevant on-line courses provided by the ICCE, UK Coaching, British Ice Skating, British Federation of Roller Skating, Skate Excellence, EduCare, ISU, Inclusive Skating and all accredited Institutions of Higher Learning.
b) conference attendance and participation as a speaker including those provided by the ICCE, IPC, UK Coaching and other relevant Conference providers.
c) preparing and delivering training courses, provision of training and mentoring for other coaches and volunteers, research, development and implementation of technical standards and participation in Committees and Governing Bodies.
Please record all activities and qualifications on the Inclusive Skating Membership platform and maintain a personal coaching log of all their activities. Traditionally it was recommended that coaches and volunteers undertake 8 hours of continuing professional development per year and keep a record of their CPD.
3. Insurance
Coaches and volunteer activities supporters must have appropriate coaching insurance when coaching.
Inclusive Skating members may be insured for coaching through Sportscover, the official partner for coaching insurance for Inclusive Skating. Cover is available if they have 3 years experience and are suitably qualified. In order to obtain a price individual coaches, please go to the following link which will take you directly to the quotation portal and allow you to obtain terms:-
The policy is a bespoke product offered via Watkin Davies and the WSA and provides a comprehensive insurance package for coaches across all sports sectors and includes Public Liability, Professional Indemnity and Personal Accident.
Sports Cover provide insurance for all Inclusive Skating Coaching Activities in the UK, including ice skating, roller skating and in-line skating.
The link to the Portal for further information is here:
The link directly to obtain a quotation is here:
4. Safeguarding and DBS/ PVG checks
All coaches and volunteer activities supporters must be qualified in safeguarding and should be DBS/PVG checked directly by Inclusive Skating. Inclusive Skating, through its membership of the Welsh Sports Association has access to the Vibrant Nation on line system. DBS/PVG checks in over 150 countries are therefore available. In addition Checks are carried out through Volunteer Scotland and DBS Services in England.
5. First Aid
All coaches and volunteer activities supporters must be suitably qualified in First Aid. Recommended courses include St. Andrews and St. Johns First Aid courses. All coaches and volunteers should record their First Aid qualifications on the Inclusive Skating Platform.
Further Information
Check out the Coach & Volunteer Education page for further and more detailed volunteer and coach education information link