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Inclusive Skating aims to provide the best possible advice, support and services to our community and exists to serve those who have additional needs and to be accountable to its community, trustees, funders, OSCR and partners.

From time to time an individual or organisation may feel it has not had the best possible service that Inclusive Skating aims to provide. In such instances it is important that if a complaint is made, the circumstances are investigated and necessary corrective action undertaken within reasonable time limits.

It is in everyone’s best interests to communicate well with one another and to ensure that any concerns and complaints are dealt with as quickly and appropriately as possible. In addition, concerns and complaints brought to our attention can be an opportunity to inform, review and help improve procedures.

Key principles of the policy are:

Monitoring and recording complaints

At all stages of the complaints procedure the following information should be recorded:

Trustees should appropriately monitor the general nature of complaints over each year to inform practice and potential improvements to procedures and policies within the charity/company.

Upholding or not upholding complaints

At each stage of the complaints procedure the conclusion will be either:

In the first instance of receiving a complaint it may be appropriate to resolve the issue by offering to the complainant one or more of the following:

The complainant may choose to take no further action or take their complaint to the next stage.


Complaints made against members of staff or volunteers

If the complainant raises concerns or issues regarding a member of staff it might be appropriate during the conciliation stage of the complaint process for a senior member of staff or the complaints officer to discuss this with the employee, informally in the first instance to establish the facts surrounding the nature of the complaint. This may require a more detailed approach during the formal stages of the complaint process such as a written report from the employee or evidence of communication between the employee and complainant.

Any information shared with an employee about the complaint should be carefully considered to ensure the integrity of the nature of the complaint and complainant is maintained and remains confidential.


The Stages of the Complaints Process


Stage 1 (also known as the Conciliation Stage)

The complainant raises and discusses their concerns/issues with the staff member. Most concerns can be resolved satisfactorily at this stage. However, the staff member may feel it more appropriate to refer the complainant to a more senior or experienced member of staff who will try to resolve the concern informally.


Stage 2

If the complainant remains unhappy, they should then contact the Executive Officer by putting their concerns in writing. The Executive Officer (or their nominated representative) will then investigate the concerns and respond within agreed timescales. An acknowledgement will be made of the concern/complaint within five working days. The Executive Officer will respond to the issues raised within 15 working days of receiving the complaint. If it is not possible to meet these timescales, then the Executive Officer will contact the complainant to discuss reviewing these.

If the concern or complaint is against the Executive Officer, in the first instance the complainant will need to write in confidence to the nominated Complaints Officer. The Complaint Officer will seek to resolve the issue informally before, if necessary, moving to Stage 3.


Stage 3 (also known as the Formal Stage)

3.1        Any complaint should be communicated in writing to the nominated Complaints Officer.


3.2        The Complaints Officer will acknowledge receipt of the complaint, in writing (identifying the complaint), within five working days.


3.3        The Complaints Officer shall investigate all circumstances leading to the complaint.


3.4        The Complaints Officer shall inform the complainant of the result of the investigation, and any corrective action taken. This will be completed within twenty-one days unless circumstances prolong the investigation, in which case an interim report will be made to the complainant and a new time-scale set.


Stage 4 

4.1        If the complainant is dissatisfied with the results of the enquiry and/or corrective action taken, they have a right to put their case (in person if they wish) to the Chair of Inclusive Skating.


4.2        The Chair shall undertake any further enquiries and report the decision to the complainant within thirty days.


Stage 5

5.1        If the complainant is dissatisfied with the decision of the Chair, they have a right to put their case to an Appeal Sub Committee made up of at least three members of the Inclusive Skating Board of Trustees.


5.2        The Appeal Sub Committee should undertake an investigation of the complaint and produce recommendations for the Board.


5.3        The Board will take a final decision on the complaint.


Any complaint dealt with via the formal stages of the procedure and positive feedback to Inclusive Skating will be fully recorded and a report will be made of occurrences and presented annually at the relevant Board of Trustee meeting.

This Complaints Policy and the Complaints Officer will be clearly advertised on the Inclusive Skating website.

The Inclusive Skating Complaints Officer can be contacted via email at: contact@inclusiveskating.org

Inclusive Skating will utilise the services of Sport Resolutions to assist in all complaints/ matters of concern wherever possible. Link

All complainants, will have the opportunity to have their complaint considered independently by Sport Resolutions. For this purpose, the resolution procedures and policies of Sport Resolution are deemed to be included within the Inclusive Skating Complaints Policy. The Sport Resolutions Policies are available on their website Link


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