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Inclusive Skating has a network of advisors and coaches to help you get started!

Would you like to try skating but you need a bit of extra help!

We have induction and coaching support available.

Please contact the team



The Skater's Handbook

The Skater's Handbook provides essential information for skater's all in one convenient location.

1. All participant's (including skater's, parents, coaches, carer's and volunteers etc.) must comply with the IS Code of Conduct.

2. Inclusive Skating has lots of policies that help to promote your welfare. The most important are the Safety Policy, the Session Risk Assessments and your individual profile.

3. Inclusive Skating takes the safety and wellbeing of all participants seriously. We invite anyone with a safeguarding question to contact us and follow the safeguarding procedures and policies which are in brief:

Is there a Safeguarding Issue : Ask the 4 W Questions





There can be a how if appropriate

There should never be a WHY!

Obtain this information to assess whether this is a concern or safeguarding issue.

Volunteers should have enough information to make a decision on this and refer if necessary.

Remember you can report and we will record low level concerns too even if it doesn’t raise a safeguarding issue!

4. Inclusive Skating seeks to provide you with additional opportunities

5. Mental Health Support

The unified classified skating classes provides those with mental health challenges the opportunities to compete and participate with additional support. This is provided on a case by case basis and is discussed at classification.

Volunteers are encouraged to take the mental health awareness training course available through 1st 4 sport and MIND and the Inclusive Skating coach and volunteer training.

Volunteers and participants should follow the Thriving at Work: implementing good standards in the sport and physical activity sector. These standards are supported by DCMS and Sport England. A guide to their implementation is available.

MIND provide a Mental health Toolkit to assist implementation of appropriate mental health standards and therefore support for sport and activities within Inclusive Skating.

Participants should also refer to the general safeguarding principles and standards for additional guidance where appropriate.

6. Skater's Forum (under development)

Inclusive Skating is establishing a Skater's Forum to amplify the skater's voice. Please contact us if you're interested in contributing/ participating/ supporting this initiative. 

7. Funding

Many charities will provide direct funding support to Inclusive Skaters.

This page will share information on potential sources of funding.

Always check that you meet the specific criteria before you make an application. Charities will fund according to their charitable purposes. Some funders will only fund charities like Inclusive Skating who provide services and activities for their community. Some funders will fund individuals. So, read the charity purposes carefully to make sure that the funder will fund individuals before you apply.

Funding for Sport provide a range of links to current funding opportunities. The latest version (9.2.2021) pdf is also available in the additional resources.

SCVO Funding Scotland provide regular updates on funding opportunities and a list of potential funders too. 

Foundation Scotland provide information funding opportunities too.

© Inclusive Skating, 2025

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