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These are the measures we have in place to protect people from abuse and maltreatment of any kind.

Inclusive Skating adopts the guidance from, the Charity Commission, which describes safeguarding as meaning, “the range of measures in place to protect people in a charity, or those it comes into contact with, from abuse and maltreatment of any kind.”

Therefore, we take reasonable steps to safeguard and protect all beneficiaries from abuse, even when these are not children and vulnerable adults. Our Code of Conduct for Officials, which includes our safeguarding policy applies to everyone. 

We also adopt the very highest standards of safeguarding. We apply all relevant standards of safeguarding including those of organisations that we are affiliated to, or associated with. Therefore the British Ice Skating Safeguarding and complaints and Disciplinary Policies and all relevant UK Sport, Sports coach UK, CPSU Policies apply also. In the event of any conflict our Code of Conduct for Officials defaults to whatever is the higher standard. Our policies apply world-wide.

Inclusive Skating is registered with Volunteer Scotland for the purposes of Disclosure Scotland. We can therefore provide Free PVG checks for all our volunteer activities supporters in Scotland.

We are also able to conduct DBS and PVG checks through our membership of the Welsh Sports Association. This provides checks in over 150 countries through Vibrant Nation. Therefore, in whatever country our volunteers operate we will seek to conduct safeguarding checks.

Please refer to the Welsh Sports Association for our Codes of Conduct Guidance and Templates on Social Media, Coaches, Players and Committe Members. For these Safeguarding Templates please click here

A short Safeguarding for adults training video provided by Club Matters is available on this link 

The unified classified skating class provides those with mental health challenges the opportunities to compete and participate with additional support. This is provided on a case by case basis and is discussed at classification.

Volunteers are encouraged to take the mental health awareness training course available through 1st 4 sport and MIND.

Volunteers and participants should follow the Thriving at Work: implementing good standards in the sport and physical activity sector. These standards are supported by DCMS and Sport England. A guide to their implementation is available.

Please treat all these resources as training materials. Additional regular training on safeguarding should be completed by all participants and volunteers. Everyone has safeguarding responsibilities. 

Additional links for additional resources include;




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLaHfZgSOYY  provides links to videos from Childline

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-PuJiPfrJ0   R.A Dickey personal story of overcoming sexual abuse

https://thecpsu.org.uk/resource-library/videos/surviving-abuse-bbc-5-live-broadcast/   surviving abuse - CPSU 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgi1ole4BB0&t=4s the magic sports kit

https://thecpsu.org.uk/help-advice/introduction-to-safeguarding/ CPSU introduction to safeguarding

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXaC6XOUY70 what can we do about child abuse - NSPCC video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbkkJGNyVwU&t=150s responding to physical concerns

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi80plpJyyQ responding to concerns about sexual abuse

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrAwP79Dmn8 Say something- NSPCC advert

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLFMl-E_z6o Football clubs accused of covering up sexual abuse allegations

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLVfobsoXhI Ally Raisman testimony in the Larry Nasser US Gymnastics Doctor Abuse Case section

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj1AU5hpyKY Ally Raisman testimony in the Larry Nasser US Gymnastics Doctor Abuse Case impact statement

Summary of What to Do

In summary, this is what you need to do when you are facing a child protection issue (Remember there may be a specific protocol in your country/area):

1. Stay Calm: Stay calm, particularly if a child comes to you with a concern.
2. Reassure: Reassure the person confiding in you that they are doing the right

thing by telling you and that you take them seriously

3. Be Honest about Confidentiality: Make sure they understand that you may have to share the information with other people, so you can get help

4. Ask the 4 W Questions, (To determine if it's a safeguarding issue) But Don’t Overwhelm: 


  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • There should never be a WHY! do not be tempted to ask follow up questions or press for details

5. Thank the victim and explain that you understand how difficult it can be.

6. Listen and Remember: Listen and remember as much information as possible. You will have to write a report afterwards

7. Do Not Confront: Do not approach the alleged abuser

8. Report: Report the incident to the club’s welfare or child protection officer and safeguarding@inclusiveskating.org

9. If at Risk, Call the Police: Only in extreme circumstances when the child is at imminent risk, contact the police or social services and stay with the child until they arrive

Remember, your job is to listen to the concern as carefully as possible, so you can relate it to the child protection officer. They will liaise with parents and the relevant authorities. But let me say this again: your job is not to fix it or to confront the abuser.

Other Coaches / Volunteers

A special case is when you have a concern about another coach or volunteer at your club. The reporting process is similar, but what will happen after may vary. In this case you should also report it to the club welfare officer. They will investigate it further and decide if the incident does not warrant further attention, whether it is just a case of mal-practice that can be solved through a warning and further training, or whether they have to contact the relevant authorities to escalate the issue.

https://thecpsu.org.uk/help-advice/case-management/ Case management model for process on managing a case of suspected abuse


Safeguarding Officer is Ben Salmon who can be contacted at safeguarding@inclusiveskating.org

Event Safeguarding Officer: Contact details for the event safeguarding officer will be included in the event announcement information for each event. The Event Safeguarding officer will report to and liaise with the safeguarding officer. 

Any form of feedback or complaint can be directed to Christopher Martin Davis who is the Complaints Officer who can be contacted at development@inclusiveskating.org

Any form of welfare concern can be directed to Margarita Sweeney- Baird who is the Welfare Officer. Margarita can be contacted at margarita@inclusiveskating.org

If you are unsure who to contact, general enquires can be directed to contact@inclusiveskating.org


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