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Would you like to become an Accredited Inclusive Skating Safety Advisor - free on line course is available now!

This course is professionally recognised and CIMSPA has endorsed the course for 5 CPD points.

CIMPSA 5 CPD endorsed points


Inclusive Skating has a free online safety course that is available to all members. 

We encourage everyone to take this course either independently on-line or with the support of our Zoom Sessions. Check out the latest Virtual Activities Calendar for the current schedule of activities.

The course contents reflect the Inclusive Skating Safety Policy. See the related resources on this page for a free copy that is available to download now. Here's one of the videos from the course to get you started.

The safety course and safety videos have been funded by the The National lottery Community Fund People's Project.

If you wish to take the course please contact us on contact@inclusiveskating.org

We will then create access to the online Inclusive Skating Moodle and Accredited Inclusive Skating Advisor Course.

Your user name on the online course will be your membership e-mail address.

An automatically generated password will be generated for you. You can change this if you wish.

Please do the course on your computer and where you have good Wi-Fi access if at all possible. If you have any difficulties please contact us again. We will be having online tutorials and assistance for those with poor or no wi-fi etc.

After you have read through the materials and watched the videos and taken the quiz you will be able to download a certificate. You can access the quiz by going to the side panel and selecting the next steps tab. There will be 2 options. One for the course and one for the certificate. You may have to scroll back up to the top to get to the side panel. The quiz can be taken as many times as you wish. Your highest score will be the one that matters!

Good luck with the course. It provides a wide range of information about Inclusive skating and our policies. Taken together these seek to ensure the safety of our community.

We hope that you will enjoy being part of our community.

Thank you for your time and interest in helping our community!

© Inclusive Skating, 2024

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