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Inclusive Skating has lots of Virtual Activities that complement venue activities

1. Zoom Activities - including Coaching, Judging and Volunteer Training

Inclusive Skating has a regular weekly schedule of virtual activities held on zoom. See the latest Calendar for the timetable in the related resources on this page. The zoom links to these sessions are e-mailed directly to everyone currently registered with an Inclusive Skating membership. Physical, Skill (including coach education) and activities are available regularly. Coaching, Judging and Volunteer Training is now available!

2. Virtual Learning Platform with Coaching, Judging and Volunteering Training

Virtual Activities are also delivered through the Inclusive Skating Learning Platform - If you are registered with Inclusive Skating but you have forgotten your password you can access the platform and use the forgot password option to reset your password by this link

3. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

Inclusive Skating is an Approved Activity Provider with The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme for Physical, Skills and Volunteering across Bronze, Silver and Gold. Participants can use their Inclusive Skating Virtual activities to fulfil their DofE requirements. Inclusive Skaters who are aged 18 to 23 can register with Duke of Edinburgh Direct to take their DofE Gold Award and obtain additional support from Inclusive Skating. The cost of DofE registration (£75 in 2021) for Inclusive Skaters is often funded by Inclusive Skating. If you register with DofE Direct link please indicate which home country you are located in and please us know if you need any support.

4. Youtube Activities

You can catch up on physical and skill activities on our Youtube Channel. Check out the latest pdf containing all the playlists in the related resources or go to the Youtube channel directly.

5. Virtual World Championships

The next Inclusive Skating Virtual World Championships will be held 26th and 27th November 2022. Entry will open October 1st and closes on November 1st. Videos must be submitted before November 1st by WeTransfer. It is expected that the The next Inclusive Skating World Championships will be included in the Walter Stewart Memorial Event currently scheduled for April 3rd to 7th 2023.

In future Virtual World Championships will take place every year around the same time and will complement the Venue World Championships that are expected to resume in 2023.

Virtual Worlds will include all events covering ice, in-line/roller and off skate activities and it is strongly recommended that new participants a Virtual Event before entering a Venue Event. Events at venues may have more limited events due to limitations on ice time and volunteer availability.



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