Inclusive Skating Activities receive lockdown funding!
Inclusive Skating and our skaters say thank you to funders!

During the Coronavirus outbreak Inclusive Skating provided Virtual Events and Activities.
We are delighted that the Virtual Events and activities were funded by the Scottish Government Wellbeing Fund (as managed by the Hunter Foundation Inspiring Scotland).
The Hunter Foundation also provide substantial core funding through the Kiltwalk.
The National Lottery Community Fund Peoples Project provided the funding for the Inclusive Skating Learning platform and this provided the digital infrastructure for the new badge program.
Inclusive Skaters based in Scotland also benefited from the Foundation Scotland managed Community Response, Recovery and Resilience Fund. This funding for off ice skates allowed our skaters to continue to skate whilst shielding. For many this was a completely new activity and it helped many to be active during shielding. The continuing benefits of this are considerable as many rinks are not reopening and there is still no or little access to ice skating.
The Inclusive Skating Community would like to say a huge thank you to
the Scottish Government, the funders and the Lottery for this support.
Your support means a lot to our skaters!
The following activities are now provided as a result of the funding and community support!
- Off ice training sessions available to all skaters registered with Inclusive Skating continued until the end July with our coaching team. A zoom link was sent out to all skaters.
- Youtube recordingsMost off-ice sessions are uploaded onto Youtube. So, if you can't make the sessions then you can catch up later on Youtube. The popularity of this option was highlighted in a recent Evaluation Scotland case study.
- Badge Program - Off ice disciplines- The off-ice activity badge skills program is now available. This badge program is also intended to provide a sound foundation for skaters who wish to take part in skating activities. It has become part of the IS Covid-19 policy.
- Badge Program - In-line, Roller and Ice SkatingInclusive Skating covers ice, in-line, roller and off-ice disciplines. The in-line, roller and off-ice activity badge skills programs are now available.
- Test Program- In-line , Roller and Ice Skating Inclusive Skating covers ice, in-line, roller and off-ice disciplines. The in-line, roller and off-ice activity test program is now available. Skaters may compete and test at different levels on ice, in-line, roller and off-ice.
- The British Virtual Championships 2020-The British Inclusive Skating International Virtual Championships 2020 will cover ice, in-line, roller and off-ice disciplines. The in-line, roller and off-ice event programs are now available and will be included in the 2020 Championships to be held in December 2020. Results and ranking for ice, in-line, roller and off-ice are separate. Skaters may compete and test at different levels on ice, in-line, roller and off-ice.
- Scottish 2020 Championshipswas successfully held as a Virtual Event in April 2020. Congratulations Skaters! Results link is available
Please seek the help of your coach and stay safe - Good luck and good skating!
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